What’s the BEST way to STUDY? | Science of Study #4 In…

What’s the BEST way to STUDY? | Science of Study #4 

In today’s #ScienceofStudy we find out some of the BEST and WORST ways to STUDY!

The Study of ALL STUDIES: http://m.psi.sagepub.com/content/14/¼.full?ijkey=Z10jaVH/60XQM&keytype=ref&siteid=sppsi

By: Maddie Moate.

What’s the BEST way to STUDY? | Science of Study #4 In…

How to Set up Your Study Space | The Science of Study #1 Are…

How to Set up Your Study Space | The Science of Study #1 

Are you about to start revision?! Getting ready for exams?! Don’t worry I’m here to help with LOADS of tips to get out through the study period AND they’re all proven by science so these really will help! All studies mentioned are linked below!

By: Maddie Moate.

How to Set up Your Study Space | The Science of Study #1 Are…

Why do bees swarm? | Beekeeping with Maddie and Mum It’s…

Why do bees swarm? | Beekeeping with Maddie and Mum

It’s an exciting start to the 2015 Beekeeping season! Last week TWO of our hives swarmed! Today I explain why bees swarm and how beekeepers handle the colony and hives when they do! Mum couldn’t be around for this video but she makes a special appearance at the end 🙂

By: Maddie Moate.

Why do bees swarm? | Beekeeping with Maddie and Mum It’s…