All Creatures Great and Smart Does your dog really think and…

All Creatures Great and Smart

Does your dog really think and feel like a human? Do our closest primate relatives have brains and emotions similar to ours? What about the storied intelligence of dolphins and singing humpback whales? And do other species hold surprises for us if we’re willing to look closely? What can we learn from pin-sized brains that can count, categorize, and hold a grudge against those who’ve tried to swat them? When one examines the current research, some lines between “animal” and “human” become fuzzy. Join leading scientists from different disciplines—Brian Hare, Vanessa Woods, Jeremy Niven, Patrick Hof, and Klaus Zuberbühler—whose research is challenging long-held assumptions about where to draw many of these lines.

By: World Science Festival.

All Creatures Great and Smart Does your dog really think and…

The Social Neuron Spindle cells are special neurons in the human…

The Social Neuron

Spindle cells are special neurons in the human brain that serve as the hub of higher-order cognitive processes: judgment, emotion, morality, recognition, self-awareness. Neuroscientist Patrick Hof looks for these cells in the brains of primates, whales, and elephants in search of the secret to our shared social traits.

By: World Science Festival.

The Social Neuron Spindle cells are special neurons in the human…