Is Being Too Clean Making Us Sick?  In the late 1980s a new idea…

Is Being Too Clean Making Us Sick? 

In the late 1980s a new idea surfaced called the “hygiene hypothesis”. According to this new idea, early exposure to certain bacteria is extremely beneficial to the developing immune system of a child.


By: TestTube Plus.

Is Being Too Clean Making Us Sick?  In the late 1980s a new idea…

Are Humans The Only Hygienic Species? There are several animals…

Are Humans The Only Hygienic Species? 

There are several animals in the world that practice clean living either by removing parasites, grooming or other methods. But does that make them a hygienic species?


By: TestTube Plus.

Are Humans The Only Hygienic Species? There are several animals…

Why Do We Have Blood?  Blood is that red liquid that flows…

Why Do We Have Blood? 

Blood is that red liquid that flows through your body and each of us have about 9 – 12 pints in us on average. But what does it do for your body and what is it made of exactly?


By: TestTube Plus.

Why Do We Have Blood?  Blood is that red liquid that flows…

The Unseen Dangers Of Blood Diseases  When there is an…

The Unseen Dangers Of Blood Diseases 

When there is an abnormality in your blood, some extreme things can take place in your body. What kinds of things can go wrong and what disorders and diseases stem from those?


By: TestTube Plus.

The Unseen Dangers Of Blood Diseases  When there is an…

Is It Ethical To Bring Back Extinct Species? There have been…

Is It Ethical To Bring Back Extinct Species?

There have been numerous gene editing techniques over the past half century or more but none are more fascinating to the science world an beyond right now as CRISPR.


By: TestTube Plus.

Is It Ethical To Bring Back Extinct Species? There have been…

Why We Can’t Agree On Which Species Are…

Why We Can’t Agree On Which Species Are Endangered

Unfortunately, there is not one official list of all the endangered animals in the world based on a set of criteria agreed upon by the world.


By: TestTube Plus.

Why We Can’t Agree On Which Species Are…

How Humans Accelerated Extinction By 1,000X We may currently…

How Humans Accelerated Extinction By 1,000X

We may currently well be in the midst of a 6th mass extinction but how much of species loss can be attributed to humans and their endeavors?


By: TestTube Plus.

How Humans Accelerated Extinction By 1,000X We may currently…

WTF IS INVISIBLE SPACE FIRE? In space there are fires that…


In space there are fires that science refers to as “cool flames”. These flames burn a slightly lower temperatures than normal flames here on Earth and are almost invisible.


By: TestTube Plus.

WTF IS INVISIBLE SPACE FIRE? In space there are fires that…

The Science Of Fighting Fires 2015 was the 7th year that more…

The Science Of Fighting Fires

2015 was the 7th year that more than 8 million acres of land was burned in U.S. wildfires since 1960. The other years? 2004, 2011, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004.


By: TestTube Plus.

The Science Of Fighting Fires 2015 was the 7th year that more…

What Happens To Your Skin When It Burns? Why is it so painful to…

What Happens To Your Skin When It Burns?

Why is it so painful to get a burn? What do the different levels of burns actually mean? And why do flames often times change color?


By: TestTube Plus.

What Happens To Your Skin When It Burns? Why is it so painful to…